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29-30 November 2017, Geneva, Switzerland - Join Statement to unite General Electric trade unions around the world to increase our collective power and call on the company to recognize engage in dialogue with global union network

Eighteen trade unions of the General Electric representing members from Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, UK and USA, participating at the IndustriALL Global Union Preparatory MeetIng for General Electric Trade Union Network in Geneva, Switzerland on 29-30 November 2017 approved the following joint statement.

Noting that:

  • General Electric operates in 170 countries with more than 330,000 direct employees. The company is one of the largest and leading multinational companies whose decisions affect millions of people and communities. Therefore, it has a responsIbility to society, to contribute to family, community, and ecologically sustainable jobs by respecting fundamental workers's rights.

  • General Electric management disrespects the long- term commitments made with employees and communities where it operates but instead engages with investors who only look for short term benefits. Management has has even intensified its attacks on the rights as laid out in the international Labour (ILO's) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, namely the freedom of association and the right to engage in collective bargaining as seen in various countries.

  • The employees who have been proud of working at the company are facing uncertainty, insecurity and devastation. General Electric management must work together with trade unions who represent those employees around the world to achieve a fair and just social business model.

Therefore, the General Electric Trade Union Network will;

  1. Develop cross-border union cooperation and solidarity to implement and monitor fundamental workers' rights at all workplaces and to achieve fair and just working conditions for all workers. 

  2. Create a mechanism of social dialogue at global and/or regional levels with management, to make workers' voices heard in General Electric.

  3. Protect and promote sustainable jobs, social and economic justice, and democratic global governance of the company, which enables constructive industrial relations leading to global level negotiations, including the limitation of precarious work and encompassing the principles of Just Transition.



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