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Attached are the press of FIM-CISL, FIOM-CGIL, UILM-UIL of Florence after the workers assemblies and the press by the Region of Tuscany after yesterday's meeting with union representatives.
Like I mentioned in the previous e-mail we are asking the possibility that the day January 14, 2014 in Turkey will face an initiative to fight, to coincide with the day of the strike and demonstration in Rome of the employees of Pirelli Steel Cord Figline Valdarno.

I ask you to let me know your decision as soon as possible.

Thank you.

FIM, FIOM e UILM di Firenze hanno scritto al sindacato turco Birlesik, chiedendo ai lavoratori dello stabilimento Pirelli locale di scioperare con noi. La FIOM di Firenze lo ha sempre pensato: la vertenza Pirelli è una vertenza internazionale, e va affrontata a livello europeo e non solo #PirellièEuropa

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